Feature 53 Visual Lighting Design
- Maximum Size of Ambient Lighting Zone: Whichever is larger:
- 500 sq. ft. (46.5 sq. m.)
- 20 % of the space
Feature 54 Circadian Lighting Design
- If light models/calcs are used, need to provide:
- Measured in vertical plane, 4 ft. high (seated gaze height)
- 250 EML (Equivalent Melanopic Lux) minimum
- 4 hours / day, minimum, every day
- At 75% of workstations
- Feature 54 Circadian Lighting Design, Table L1 Melanopic Ratio
Equivalent Melanopic Lux (EML) = Visual Lux (L) x Melanopic Ratio (R)
Feature 59 Surface Design
- Minimum areas of interior surfaces required to have minimum Light Reflectance Values:
- Ceilings: Min. 80 % area: Min. LRV = 0.8 (80%)
- Walls: Min. 50% area: Min. LRV = 0.7 (70%)
- Furnture: Min. 50% area: Min LRV 0.5 (50%)
Feature 61 Right to Light
- Guidelines for regularly occupied spaces and seats:
- Spaces: 75% (by area) needs to be within 25 ft. (7.5 m) of a view window
- Seats:
- 75% need to be within 25 ft. (7.5 m) of a view window or atrium
- 95% need to be within 41 ft (12.5 m) or a view window or atrium
Feature 62 Daylight Modeling
- Minimums:
- At least 55% of regularly occupied spaces
- Receive at least 300 lux (28 fc)
- For at least 50% of the year (business hours)
- Maximums:
- No more than 10% of regularly occupied spaces
- Receive not more than 1000 lux (93 fc)
- For more than 250 hours / year
Feature 63 Daylighting Fenestration
- 3 guidelines for window size, shading and placement:
- Size: 20% – 60% of exterior wall area should be glazed.
- Shading: If window area is > 40%: prevent glare and heat gain with exterior shading or electrochromic glass.
- Daylight effectiveness: 40% to 60% of the window area should be above 7 ft (2.1 m)